summer training

So its summer project time. A time when, dream projects become the buzz on campus. It's like the first rain after sweltering summer, the first sign of light after a night's darkness.

Summer Training is the first brush of an MBA with the corporate world. It is an integral component of MBA curriculum at all business schools which has been effectively grooming future managers.
The objective of summer training from academic learning point of view is to provide an interaction with real world and understand the problems, issues and challenges being faced by corporate world, and to give an opportunity to the student to apply the learning at campus. This is the time when we get an opportunity that tell us where do we stand when it comes to a fast moving corporate world.
During the summer project, the trainee is expected to work on live projects and work out a feasible solution for the same.
Summer projects in one way or the other helps you gain confidence and prepares you for corporate world that is eagerly waiting for smart and energetic intelligent professionals.
For trainees, it is an opportunity to understand what are the various fucctions in an organization and at broader level, understanding and experiencing what to expect after joining the corporate world. Summer project should be taken as an opportunity to learn about the busines practically and hands on.

What’s Important for a Summer Project

The summer training interview can be as demanding as the final placement if the organization is serious about the project work. Therefore, it's advisable to leave nothing to chance.

Stipend or No Stipend

Most organizations pay stipend for summer training and also bear the expenses borne while doing the project. Certain organizations might pay less while certain organizations pay more. This will depend on the organization policy. However, payment is not the right yard-stick to judge whether the project is worthwhile or not.
Look many times you are not paid but still you get a good project to handle. Make a wise choice among the projects you plan to take. Our personal opinion is giving a good project much value than the money associated.

Project Vs. Brand Name

What is more important - the project or the organization?
The vote goes in favour of the project. If the project is done well, it can be a very strong learning platform for you. It does not matter whether the organization has small brand name or a big banner. A good summer project which is relevant to the industry and contributes to the body of knowledge can be a strong selling and talking point during final placements.
  • Its true that a good well-known brand will add some additional feathers to your hat but dont get carrie away by the name ofthe project or the brand name
  • While facing problems during a summer project

    Typically, you have 8-12 weeks' time for doing the project. This is the time frame given by the institutes. If you land up with something that doesn't seem to be going for you, look out for another project where you can do some meaningful work. This will help you in enhancing your learning.
    Again personal contacts, alumni and professional pitch to the organizations can help you get that; however, not at the cost of upsetting your organization.

    What if you are not able to make any headway in your project?

    • Go back to your mentor/guide for the project - ask relevant questions.
    • Speak to your peers who might be doing similar projects.
    • Speak to your alumni who are working in the same area.
    • It makes sense to even go back to the faculty at the institute to seek guidance on the subject.

    If you have done your summer training in the field of marketing, can you actually get a job in finance?

    Well, summer training is just a two-month stop-over in your career. Therefore, saying that if you have done your summer training in one specialization area, you can't look out for job in other specialization domains, is completely wrong. One can land up with a marketing project even if one is more interested in finance depending on opportunities available on campus, dearth of quality projects in your chosen area of specialization. There could be many reasons for this, and at the end of the day, it is only a two-month project before the start of your career. However, you should be prepared with a convincing answer on the reason for switch from one area to another. The reasons could vary from interest to opportunity available to realization.


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