How does Ecommerce Work
How E-Commerce Works
The consumer first moves through the internet to
the merchant’s web site. At the web site, the consumer is briefly given an
introduction to the product or services the merchant offers. It is at this
point that the consumer makes the decision to visit the web store by clicking
on a link or button located on the web page (e.g., Buy Now, Shop Online, or an
image of a shopping cart button are common entry points into a web store).
After choosing to visit the web store, the consumer is typically connected to
an online transaction server located somewhere else on the internet which runs
software commonly referred to as a shopping cart application. The shopping cart
application has been setup by the merchant to display all products and services
offered, as well as calculate pricing, taxes, shipping charges, etc.
From there, the consumer decides that he wants to
purchase something, so he enters all pertinent credit card information and a
sales order is produced. Depending on the ecommerce implementation, the sales
order can now take two totally different paths for confirming to the consumer that
the order is officially placed.
Scenario 1
The consumer’s credit card information goes
directly through a private gateway to a processing network, where the issuing
and acquiring banks complete or deny the transaction. This generally takes
place in no more than 5-7 seconds and the consumer is then informed that the
order was received, the credit card was authorized, and that the product will
ultimately be shipped.
Scenario 2
The consumer’s entire order and credit card
information is electronically submitted back to the merchant’s server (usually
via email, FTP, or SSL connection) where the order can be reviewed first and
then approved for credit card authorization through a processing network. The
consumer then receives an email shortly afterwards, confirming the order being
received, the credit card being authorized, and status on when the product will
exactly be shipped.
In both scenarios, the process is transparent to
the consumer and appears virtually the same. However, the first scenario is a
more simplistic method of setting up a shopping cart application and does not
take into consideration any back office issues that may delay shipment (i.e.,
items out of stock, back orders, orders submitted after office hours or during
holidays, etc.). ManageMore’s eCommerce Manager relies on the second scenario
to handle all of its ecommerce orders. This second scenario keeps the consumer
accurately informed throughout the entire ordering process.
Let us assume an ecommerce implementation that uses
the second scenario mentioned above.
There are several basic steps you will need to
accomplish before becoming Commerce enabled.
Getting a Merchant Bank Account
Web Hosting
Web Design Considerations
Registering a Domain Name
Obtaining a Digital Certificate
Getting a Merchant Bank
In order to be able to accept credit cards, you
must apply for an account with a credit card merchant account provider. This
can be relatively easy or somewhat difficult, depending on which country you
live in, and the type of business you are running.
When choosing a merchant account provider, the
following should also be noted:
In order for credit card authorization to be
automatic from within ManageMore, you must ensure that your merchant account
provider has credit card processors that connect with IC Verify™, PC Charge™,
or AuthorizeNet™ (i.e.Intellicharge Interface) software. These products are
sold separately from ManageMore and eliminate the need for merchant terminal
devices or separate time consuming steps to approve credit cards.
Your merchant account provider must allow you to
handle non-swiped credit card transactions. This refers to transactions where
the customer is not present and only the credit card number and expiration date
are being used for approving the charges.
When choosing a merchant account provider, you
should do a little research on the company’s reputation, years in business, and
company size. Constantly changing to a new merchant account provider when your
old one goes out-of business can be costly and time consuming.
Avoid merchant account providers that ask for a
non-refundable fee before you get approved.
Avoid merchant account providers that require 1 or
2 year contract terms. Since there are so many merchant account providers
available, it doesn’t make sense to lock your company into a commitment for any
period of time.
Expect merchant account providers to have some form
of a sign up fee after being approved only. These fees can come in the form of
an application fee, processing fee, software fee, etc. Typically expect to pay
around $100 to $500 for getting an account setup to accept credit cards and
sometimes electronic checks.
You should be able to find a merchant account
provider that can offer you discount credit cards rates ranging from 1.75% to
2.75% and no more than .25 cent per transaction. If not, contact Intellisoft
regarding our merchant account provider affiliates and the free Intellicharge
Interface just for signing up with them.
You will need a dedicated phone line or data line
for processing credit cards and electronic checks. Note: If your computer or
local area network is already connected to the internet, a separate data line
will not be necessary if you use the Intellicharge Interface for electronic
Web Hosting
Web hosting is a very important step in this
process, as this is how you gain a presence on the internet in the first place.
There are actually two scenarios that can be used for web hosting. Scenario1
involves setting up and maintaining your own web server, while Scenario 2 involves
farming out all web hosting administration to an ISP. An Internet Service
Provider (ISP) is a company that provides you with internet access and limited
hard drive space on their web servers for hosting your web site.
The following should be noted when searching for an
Internet Service Provider:
Always try to find an ISP that can provide a local
telephone number for you to connect to the internet.
Choose an ISP that is known for having few
interruptions of service.
Choose an ISP that is known for good technical
support and has knowledgeable people familiar with ecommerce sites.
Choose an ISP that consistently has fast connection
As with any company you do business with, make sure
the ISP is reputable.
The online transaction providers that offer the
actual web store itself can sometimes be hosted by your same ISP or may require
a completely different provider, referred to as a Commerce Service Provider
(CSP). Many small businesses tend to choose CSP’s for creating a web store
because it gives them the flexibility of choosing a provider that offers
competitive pricing and the best shopping cart application for their needs.
Online transaction providers will usually provide one shopping cart solution
they feel is better than the many others that exist and differ by price,
appearance, layout, functionality, and ease of use.
The following should be noted when dealing with
shopping cart applications:
Online transaction providers will either sell or
rent you the use of an online shopping cart application for your business. Be
forewarned that purchasing an online shopping cart application is very
expensive. Most businesses will rent these online web store programs rather
than committing to such a steep investment.
Rental pricing for the use of shopping cart
programs vary depending on number of transactions generated a month, number of
products listed on the shopping cart application, and the sophistication of the
shopping cart application itself.
There are a lot of online transaction providers out
there, and they all have varying packages. Deciding on a provider’s package
that fits your needs is perhaps the most important aspect.
Web Design Considerations
With little knowledge of HTML and a lot of
patience, you can probably create your own corporate web site with the help of
products like Microsoft FrontPage™ or DreamWeaver™. However, when adding a web
store to your web site, you may want to seek the help of professional web
designers to make the look and feel of your web store consistent with the rest
of your corporate web site. Most shopping cart applications, like SoftCart by
Mercantec, allow its templates to be modified just for this purpose. In many
cases, the same ISP or CSP you choose can provide web design and consultation.
Registering a Domain Name
Domain names are the names for computers on the
Internet that correspond to IP (Internet protocol) numbers to route information
to addresses on the Internet network. Domain names serve as a convenient way of
locating information and people on the Internet. In layman terms, will it be
important to you, for customers to find your web site by typing
“123.123.456.456” or by typing something simple to remember like
Registering a domain name is one of the most
important decisions you can make for your online identity. Your domain name
says who you are to your clients, your peers - the whole world. The basics for
registering a domain name are:
Contact a domain name registrar on the internet to
register for a domain name.There are many to choose from, just do a web search
on “domain name registrar” to get you started.
2. Select a unique domain name you would like
others to use for finding your web site.
Obtaining a Digital
A digital certificate, also known as a SSL Server
Certificate, enables SSL (Secure Socket Layer encryption) on the web server.
SSL protects communications so you can take credit card orders securely and
ensure that hackers cannot eavesdrop on you. Any ecommerce company that
provides you with an online web store will require you to have SSL before you
can use their services. Thankfully, for most people obtaining a digital
certificate is not a problem. For a minimal fee, one can usually use the
certificate owned by the web hosting company where your page resides. If you
are a larger company, however, you may want to get your own digital
Architectural Framework
of E Commerce
A framework is intended to define and create tools
that integrate the information found in today’s closed systems and allows the
development of e-commerce applications. It is important to understand that the
aim of the architectural frame-work itself is not to build new database
management systems, data repository, computer languages, software agent based
transaction monitors, or communication protocols. Rather, the architecture
should focus on synthesizing the diverse resources already in place in
corporations to facilitate the integration of data and software for better
applications. The electronic commerce application architecture consists of six
layers of functionality, or services:
brokerage services, data or transaction management;
interface, and; support layers”
secure messaging, security and electronic document
middle ware and structured document interchange;
network infrastructure and basic communications
These layers co-operate to provide a seamless
transition between today’s computing resources and those of tomorrow by
transparently integrating information access and exchange within the context of
the chosen application. As seen in Fig., electronic commerce applications are
based on several elegant technologies. But only when they are integrated do
they provide uniquely powerful solutions.
In the ensuing discussion of each of these layers,
we will not elaborate on the various aspects of the network infrastructure that
transports information. These were discussed extensively earlier and will not
be addressed here. We begin our discussion with the application level services.
Table Electronic
Commerce: A conceptual framework
![Table Electronic Commerce: A conceptual framework](file:///C:/Users/hp/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpg)
Electronic Commerce
Application Services
The application services layer of e-commerce will
be comprised of existing and future applications built on the innate
architecture. Three distinct classes of electronic commerce application can be
distinguished: customer to business, business-to-business, and intra
We call this category marketplace transaction. In a
marketplace transaction, customers learn about products differently through
electronic publishing, buy them differently using electronic cash and secure
payment systems, and have them delivered differently.
Also, how customers allocate their loyalty may also
be different. In light of this, the organization itself has to adapt to a world
where the traditional concepts of brand
Differentiation no longer hold-where “quality” has
a new meaning, where “content” may not be equated to “product,” Where
“distribution” may not automatically mean “physical Transport.” In this new
environment, brand equity can rapidly evaporate forcing firms to develop new
ways of doing business
Business-to Business
We call this category market-link transaction.
Here, businesses, governments, and other organizations depend on computer -
to-computer communication as a fast, an economical, and a dependable way to
conduct business’ transactions. Small companies are also beginning to see the
benefits of adopting the same methods. Business-to-business transactions
include the use of EDI and electronic mail for purchasing goods and
services,buying information and consulting services, submitting requests for
proposals, and receiving proposals. Examine this scenario.
The current accounts payable process occurs through
the exchange of paper documents. Each year the trading partners exchange
millions of invoices, checks, purchase orders, financial reports, and other
transactions. Most of the documents are in electronic form at their point of
origin but are printed and key-entered at the point of receipt. The current
manual process of printing, mailing is costly, time consuming, and error-prone.
Given this situation and faced with the need to reduce costs, small businesses
are looking toward electronic commerce as a possible savior. Intra-organizational
Transactions We call this category market-driven transactions. A
company becomes market driven by dispersing throughout the firm information
about its customers and competitors; by spreading strategic and tactical
decision making so that all units can participate; and by continuously monitoring
their customer commitment by making improved customer satisfaction an ongoing
objective. To maintain the relationships that are critical to delivering
superior customer value, management must pay close attention to service, both
before and after sales. In essence, a market-driven business develops a
comprehensive understanding of its customers’ business and how customers in the
immediate and downstream markets perceive value.
Three major components of market-driven
transactions are
customer orientation through product and service
customization; cross-functional coordination
through enterprise
integration; and advertising, marketing, and
customer service.
Information Brokerage and
The information brokerage and management layer
provides service integration through the notion of information brokerages, the
development of which is necessitated by the increasing information resource
fragmentation. We use the notion of information brokerage to represent an
intermediary who provides service integration between customers and information
providers, given some constraint such as a low price, fast service, or profit
maximization for a client. Information brokers, for example, are rapidly
becoming necessary in dealing with the voluminous amounts of information on the
networks. As on-line databases migrate to consumer information utilities,
consumers and information professionals will have to keep up with the
knowledge, and owner-ship of all these systems.
Most professionals have enough trouble keeping track
of files of 1 interest on one or two database services. With all the complexity
associated with large numbers of on-line databases and service bureaus, if it
is impossible to expect humans to do the searching. It will have to be software
programs-information brokers or software agents, to use the more popular
term-that act on the searcher’s behalf. Information brokerage does more than
just searching. It addresses the issue of adding value to the information that
is retrieved. For instance, in foreign exchange trading, information is
retrieved about the latest currency exchange rates in order to hedge currency
holdings to minimize risk and maximize profit. In other words, the act of
retrieving the information is the input to other transactions. With multiple
transactions being the norm in the real world, service integration becomes
Taking the same foreign exchange example further,
service integration allows one to link the hedging program (offered on a
time-sharing basis by a third party) with the search program (could be another
vendor) that finds the currency rates from the cheapest on-line service to
automatically send trades to the bank or financial services company. In effect,
a personalized automated trading system can be created without having to go to
any financial institution. This is just one example of how information
brokerages can add value. Another aspect of the brokerage function is the
support for data management and traditional transaction services. Brokerages
may provide tools to accomplish more sophisticated, time-delayed updates or
future compensating transactions. These tools include software agents,
distributed query generator, the distributed transaction generator, and the
declarative resource constraint base which describes a business’s rules
and-environment information.
At the heart of this layer lies the work-flow
scripting environment built on a software agent model that coordinates work and
data flow among support services. As pointed out earlier, software agents are
used to implement information brokerages. Software agents are mobile programs
that have been called “healthy viruses,” “digital butlers/” and “intelligent
agents.” Agents are encapsulations of users’ instruction that perform all kinds
of tasks in electronic market places spread across networks.
Information brokerages dispatch agents capable of
information resource gathering, negotiating deals, and performing transactions.
The agents are intelligent because they have contingency plans of action. They
examine themselves and their environment and if necessary change from their
original course of action to an alternative plan. For example, suppose you send
an agent to an on-line store with a request to order a bouquet of roses for Rs.
25 or less. If the shop offers roses starting at Rs. 30, your agent can either
choose a different bouquet or find a different store by consulting an online
“Yellow Pages” directory, depending on prior
instructions. Although the notion of software agents sounds very seductive, it
will take a while to solve the problems of interregna communication,
interoperable agents, and other headaches that come with distributed computing
and net-working. To some critics, the prospect of a single-agent language like
Telescript as a world standard is disturbing. They worry that agents sound a
bit too much like computer viruses, which instead of running errands may run
Vendors such as General Magic go to great lengths
to explain the precautions it has taken to make this impossible: the limits
placed on the power of agents, the “self-destruct” mechanism built into their
codes. Yet until electronic commerce services are up and running on a large
scale, it is impossible to know how well software agents will work.
Interface and Support
The third layer, interface and support services
will provide interfaces for electronic commerce applications such as
interactive catalogs and will sup-port directory servicesfunctions necessary
for information search and access. These two concepts are very different.
Interactive catalogs are the customized interface
to consumer applications such as home shopping. An interactive catalog is an
extension of the paper-based catalog and incorporates additional features such
as sophisticated graphics and video to make the advertising more attractive.
Directories, on the other hand, operate behind the scenes and attempt to
organize the enormous amount of information and transactions generated to
facilitate electronic commerce. Directory services databases make data from any
server appear as a local file. A classic example of a directory is the
telephone White Pages, which allows us to locate people and telephone numbers.
In the case of electronic commerce, directories would play an important role in
information management functions.
For instance,take the case of buying an airline
ticket with several stopovers with the caveat that the time between layovers be
minimized. This search would require several queries to various online
directories to-find empty seats on various airlines and then the avail-ability
of seats would; be coordinated with the amount of time spent in the air-port
terminals. The primary difference between the two is that unlike interactive
catalogs, which deal with people, directory support services interact directly
with soft-ware applications. For this reason, they need not have the multimedia
glitter and jazz generally associated with interactive catalogs. From a
computing perspective, we can expect that there will be no one common user
interface that will glaze the surface of all electronic commerce applications,
but graphics and object manipulation will definitely dominate. Tool developers
and designers might incorporate common tools for interface building, but the
shape of catalogs or directories will depend on the users’ desires and
functional requirements.
Secure Messaging and
Structured Document Interchange Services
The importance of the fourth layer, secured
messaging, is clear. Everyone in business knows that electronic messaging is a
critical business issue. Consider a familiar business scenario:
You hand over an urgent fax Monday and find out
Tuesday that it’s still sitting on your fax operator’s desk. What happened?
The line was busy and he thought he’d try again
later. Or, the number was wrong,but he forgot to let you know. Or you’re in
London and you need to send a spreadsheet that details a marketing plan for a
product introduction strategy to a co-worker in New York. This must be done
today, not tomorrow when the courier service would deliver.
There is a solution to these common and frustrating
problems. It’s called Integrated Messaging: a group of computer services that
through the use of a network send, receive, and combine messages, faxes, and
large data files. Some better-known examples are electronic mail, enhanced fax,
and electronic data interchange.
Broadly defined, messaging is the software that
sits between the network infrastructure and the clients or electronic commerce
applications, masking the peculiarities of the environment. Others define
messaging as a frame-work for the total implementation of portable
applications, divorcing you from the architectural primitives of your system.
In general, messaging products are not applications that solve problems; they
are more enablers of the applications that solve problems. Messaging services
offer solutions for communicating non formatted (unstructured) data-letters,
memos, and reports as well as formatted (structured) data such as purchase
orders, shipping notices, and invoices. Unstructured messaging consists of fax,
e-mail, and form-based systems like Lotus Notes.
Structured documents messaging consist of the
automated inter-change of standardized and approved messages between computer
applications, via telecommunications lines. Examples of structured document
messaging include EDI. Messaging is gaining momentum in electronic commerce and
seems to have many advantages. It supports both synchronous (immediate) and
asynchronous (delayed) message delivery and processing. With asynchronous messaging,
when a message is sent, work continues (software doesn’t wait for a
response).This allows the transfer of messages through store-and-forward
Another advantage of messaging is that it is not
associated with any particular communication protocol. No pre-processing is
necessary, although there is an increasing need for programs to interpret the
message. Messaging is well suited for both client server and peer-to-peer
computing models. In distributed systems, the messages are treated as “objects”
that pass between systems.
Messaging is central to work-group computing that
is changing the way businesses operate. The ability to access the right
information at the right time across diverse work groups is a challenge. Today,
with the messaging tools, people can communicate and work together more
effectively-no matter where they are located. When an employee sends an
electronic mail form, the information travels along with the form. So one
person can start the form, mail it to the next person, fill it in/ sign it,
mail it to the next, and so on. This is known as message-enabled work-flow
The main disadvantages of messaging are the new
types of applications it enables which appear to be more complex, especially to
traditional programmers and the jungle of standards it involves. Because of the
lack of standards, there is often no interoperability between different
messaging vendors leading to islands of messaging. Also, security, privacy, and
confidentiality through data encryption and authentication techniques are
important issues that need to be resolved for ensuring the legality of the
message-based transactions themselves.
Middleware Services
Middleware is a relatively new concept that emerged
only recently. Like so many other innovations, it came into being out of
necessity. Users in the 1970s, when vendors, delivered homogeneous systems that
worked, didn’t have a need for middleware3&heR conditions changed-along
with the hardware and the software the organizations couldn’t cope: The tools
were inadequate, the backlog was enormous, and the pressure was overwhelming.
And, the users were dissatisfied. Something was needed to solve all the
interface, translation, transformation, and interpretation problems that were
driving application developers crazy. With the growth of networks,
client-server technology, and all other forms of communicating between/among
unlike platforms, the problems of getting all the pieces to work together grew
from formidable to horrendous.
As the cry for distributed computing spread, users
demanded interaction between dissimilar systems, networks that permitted shared
resources and applications that could be accessed by multiple software
programs. In simple terms, middleware is the ultimate mediator between diverse
software pro-grams that enables them talk to one another. Another reason for
middleware is the computing shift from application centric to data centric.
That is, remote data controls all of the applications in the network instead of
applications controlling data. To achieve data-centric computing, middleware
services focus on three elements: transparency, transaction security and
management, and distributed object management and services.
Transparency implies that users should be unaware
that they are accessing multiple systems. Transparency is essential for dealing
with higher-level issues than physical media and interconnection that the
underlying network infrastructure is in charge of. The ideal picture is one of
a “virtual” network: a collection of workgroup, departmental, enterprise, and
inter enterprise LANs that appears to the end user or client application to be
a seamless and easily accessed whole.
Transparency is accomplished using middleware that
facilitates a distributed computing environment. This gives users and
applications transparent access to data, computation, and other resources
across collections of multi-vendor, heterogeneous systems. The strategic
architectures of every major system vendor are now based on some form of
middleware. The key to realizing the theoretical benefit of such architecture
is transparency. Users need not spend their time trying to understand where
something is. Nor should application developers have to code into their
applications the exact locations of resources over the network. The goal is for
the applications to send a request to the middleware layer, which then
satisfies the request any way it can, using remote information.
Transaction Security and
Support for transaction processing (TP) is fundamental
to success in the electronic commerce market. Security and management are
essential to all layers in the electronic commerce model. At the transaction
security level, two broad general categories of security services exist:
authentication and authorization.
Transaction integrity must be a given for
businesses that cannot afford any loss or inconsistency in data. Some
commercial sites have had gigantic centralized TP systems running for years.
For electronic commerce, middleware provides the qualities expected in a
standard TP sys-tem: the so-called ACID properties (atomicity, consistency,
isolation, and durability).
Distributed Object
Management and Services
Object orientation is proving fundamental to the
proliferation of network-based applications for the following reasons: It is
too hard to write a net-work-based application without either extensive
developer retraining or a technology that camouflages the intricacies of the
network. Objects are defined as the combination of data and instructions acting
on the data. Objects are an evolution of the more traditional programming
concept of functions and procedures. A natural instance of an object in
electronic commerce is a document.
A document carries data and often carries
instructions about the actions to be performed on the data. Today, the term
object is being used interchangeably with document resulting in a new form of
computing called document oriented computing. Here, the trend is to move away
from single data-type documents such as text, pictures, or video toward
integrated documents known as com-pound document architectures. The best
example of this approach is an active document. If you create a new document
that is an integration of the spreadsheet, word processor, and presentation
package, what you’ll see in the next generation of operating systems is that as
you scroll through your document, the tool bar will automatically change from a
spreadsheet too bar,to a word processing tool bar, to a presentation package
tool bar. These applications will also be able to access and retrieve data from
any file in the computing network.
Advantages of E-Commerce
Electronic Commerce can increase sales and decrease
Advertising done well on the web can get even a
small firm’s promotional message out to potential customers in every country in
the world.
Businesses can use electronic commerce to identify
new suppliers and business partners.
Electronic Commerce increases the speed and
accuracy with which businesses can exchange information, which reduces costs on
both sides of transactions.
E-Commerce provides buyers with a wider range of
choices than traditional commerce because buyers can consider many different
products and services from a wider variety of sellers.
Electronic payments of tax refunds, public
retirement and welfare support cost less to issue and arrive securely and
quickly when transmitted over the Internet.
Disadvantages of
Some business processes such as perishable foods
and high-cost, unique items such as custom-designed jewelry might be impossible
to inspect adequately from a remote location.
Costs, which are a function of technology, can
change dramatically even during short-lived electronic commerce implementation
projects because the technologies are changing so rapidly.
Many firms have trouble recruiting and retaining
employees with the technological, design and business process skills needed to
create an effective electronic commerce presence.
Firms facing difficulty of integrating existing
databases and transaction processing software designed for traditional commerce
into the software that enables electronic commerce.
Companies that offer software design and consulting
services to tie existing systems into new online business systems can be
Consumers are fearful of sending their credit card
numbers over the Internet and having online merchants. Consumers are simply
resistant to change and are uncomfortable viewing merchandise on a computer
screen rather than in person.
As well as disadvantages, online payment
methods have several advantages. Read these examples:
Low labour costs
Since online payments are usually automatic,
they have lower labour costs than manual payment methods, such as cheque, money
order, cash and EFTPOS.
Convenience for
online sales
Online payment methods allow conveniently
selling goods and services online.
Online payments can be automatic, which can
be convenient for you and your customers.
Fast transaction
Online transactions quickly provide feedback
to you and your customers.
Low risk of theft
After processing delays, online payments
generally go straight into your bank account, so they have a low risk of theft.
Disadvantages of online payments
Online payment methods have several
disadvantages. Check out these examples:
Service fees
Payment gateways and third-party payment
processors charge service fees.
Inconvenient for
offline sales
Online payment methods are inconvenient for
offline sales.
Vulnerability to
Cybercriminals can disable online payment
methods or exploit them to steal people’s money or information. Visit the
Australian Cybercrime Reporting Network’s Learn about cybercrime page to learn
more about cybercrime.
Reliance on
telecommunication infrastructure
Internet and server problems can disable
online payment methods.
Technical problems
Online payment methods can go down due to
technical problems.
Processing online payments
Online payments are usually automatic. Check
out this example:
Your business has a website with online
purchase facilities to sell your goods and services.
A customer visits your website and finds some
products they want to buy.
The customer checks out the products from
your website and goes to the payments section.
Your website lets your customer know the
total cost of the products they want to buy as well as their payment options.
The customer selects and completes their
preferred payment method.
Your website automatically sends your
confirmation of payment to you and your customer and sends a request to your
business to ship the product.
Your website automatically gives your
customer a receipt and/or a GST tax invoice. If GST applies, you must provide a
GST tax invoice within 28 days if your customer requests one.
Tips for using online payment methods
If you want to offer online payments, try
some these tips:
Protect customer
Only retain credit and debit card information
if you need it. Make sure you have good security to protect any information you
Shop around
Look for the best payment gateway provider or
third party payment processor for your business.
Use encryption
Make sure you use encryption for sending
payment information to and from your website to protect your customers’
information from cybercriminals.
Train your
If your employees handle online payments,
make sure they are properly trained in managing the online payments system and
in keeping customer payment details secure.
elements of a business model
8 Key
elements of a business model that you need to pay attention to
1) Value
Define how a company’s product or service fufils the
need of customers.
of successful value propositions
of product search, price discovery costs
of transactions by managing product delivery
2) Revenue
Define how the firm will earn revenue generates
profits and produce a superior return on invested capital
revenue models:
revenue models:
fee revenue model: EBay, E-Trade, Hotwire
revenue model: Amazon, LLbean,
revenue model: E-pinions, Banner Exchange, Edmunds sends traffic to
another website
3) Market Opportunity
Refers to
a company’s intended market
space and the overall
potential financial opportunities available to the firm in that
market space
4) Competitive
Refers to
the other competition selling similar products and operating in the same market space
How many
competitors are active
How large
operations are
market share for each competitor
profitable these firms are
How they
price their product
5) Competitive
when a firm can produce a superior
product and/or bring a
product to market, at a lower price than most, or all, of their competitors.
-Types of
competitive advantage:
mover advantage
competitive advantage
6) Market
Plan that
details how a company intends to
enter a new market and attract strategy
7) Organizational
how the company will organize the
work that needs to be accomplished
8) Management
Employees of the company responsible for making the
business model work
-Strong management team
gives instant credibility to outside investors
There are
many types of e-commerce business models lets take a look at all of them and
what are the difference.
Business to Consumer Models
powerful search tools plus an integrated packages of content and services
utilize a combined subscription/ advertising revenues/ transaction fee model
version of traditional retailer
merchants: Amazon
and Clicks: Borders, Wal-Mart
merchants: LL Bean
Manufacturer- direct:, Sony Style
Content Provider
and entertainment companies that provide
digital content over the web
utilizes a subscription, pay for download or advertising revenue model
a variation of standard content provider model
Transaction Broker
Processes online transactions for consumers
value proposition- saving time and money
revenue model – transaction fee
Market Creator
Uses internet technology to create markets
that bring buyers and sellers together
E.g. &
Service Provider
Offers service online
proposition: valuable, convenient, time-saving, low cost alternatives to
traditional service providers
Visa Now
Model: Subscription fees or one-time payment
Community Provider
that create a digital online
environment where people with similar interest can transact, communicate and
receive interest-related information
rely on hybrid revenue model
Business to Business Models
Supplies products and services directly to
individual businesses
Owned by
one company seeking to serve many customers
Creates and sells access to digital electronic
services providers is one type
service providers: a subset of B2B service providers
Electronic digital marketplace where suppliers and
commercial purchases can conduct transactions
owned by independent firms whose business is making a market
Industry Consortia
vertical market place that serve specific industries
market place, in contrast, sell specific products and services to a whole range
of industries
Private industrial networks
networks designed to co-ordinate
the flow of communications among firms engaged in business together
Lobbying: influence the
government as a group Public policy access
Business models in emerging E-Commerce Areas
Consumer to consumer: Provides
a way for consumers to sell to each other, with the help of online market maker
Peer to peer (P2P): Link
users, enabling them to share files and common resources without a common
server (Kazaa, Cloudmark)
M-Commerce: E-commerce business
models that use wireless technologies (EBay Mobile)—To date, m-commerce is a
disappointment in the united states however, technology platform
continues to evolve
Forces Behind E-commerce
E-Commerce is becoming popular, it is worthwhile to
examine today’s business environment so let us understand the pressures it
creates on organizations and the responses used by organizations.
Environmental factors
that create Business Pressures:
Market, economical, societal and technological
factors are creating a highly competitive business environment in which
consumers are the focal point. These factors change quickly, sometimes in an
unpredictable manner and therefore companies need to react frequently not only
in the traditional actions such as lowering cost and closing unprofitable
facilities but also innovative activities such as customizing products,
creating new products or providing superb customer service.
Economic Forces One of the most evident benefits
of e-commerce is economic efficiency resulting from the reduction in
communications costs, low-cost technological infrastructure,speedier and more
economic electronic transactions with suppliers,lower global information sharing
and advertising costs,and cheaper customer service alternatives.
Categories of Economic
Lower marketing
costs: marketing
on the Internet maybe cheaper and can reach a wider crowd than the normal
marketing medium.
Lower sales costs: increase in the customer volume
do not need an increase in staff as the sales function is housed in the
computer and has virtually unlimited accessibility
Lower ordering processing
cost: online
ordering can be automated with checks to ensure that orders are correct before accepting,
thus reducing errors and the cost of correcting them.
New sales
opportunities: the
website is accessible all the time and reaches the global audience which is not
possible with traditional store front.
Economic integration is either external or internal.
External integration refers to the electronic networking of corporations,
suppliers, customers/clients, and independent contractors into one community
communicating in a virtual environment (with the Internet as medium). Internal
integration, on the other hand, is the networking of the various departments
within a corporation, and of business operations and processes. This allows
critical business information to be stored in a digital form that can be
retrieved instantly and transmitted electronically. Internal integration is
best exemplified by corporate intranets.
Among the companies with efficient corporate
intranets are Procter and Gamble, IBM, Nestle and Intel. EG. SESAMi.NET:
Linking Asian Markets through B2B Hubs SESAMi.NET is Asia’s largest B2B e-hub,
a virtual exchange integrating and connecting businesses (small, medium or
large) to trading partners, e-marketplaces and internal enterprise systems for
the purpose of sourcing out supplies, buying and selling goods and services
online in real time. The e-hub serves as the centre for management of content
and the processing of business transactions with support services such as
financial clearance and information services.
It is strategically and dynamically linked to the
Global Trading Web (GTW), the world’s largest network of trading communities on
the Internet. Because of this very important link, SESAMi reaches an extensive
network of regional, vertical and industry-specific interoperable B2B e-markets
across the globe.
Market Forces
Corporations are encouraged to use e-commerce in
marketing and promotion to capture international markets, both big and small.
The Internet is likewise used as a medium for enhanced customer service and
support. It is a lot easier for companies to provide their target consumers
with more detailed product and service information using the Internet. Strong
competition between organizations, extremely low labor cost in some countries,
frequent and significant changes in markets and increased power of consumers
are the reasons to create market forces.
Technology Forces
The development of information and communications
technology (ICT) is a key factor in the growth of ecommerce. For instance,
technological advances in digitizing content, compression and the promotion of
open systems technology have paved the way for the convergence of communication
services into one single platform. This in turn has made communication more
efficient, faster, easier, and more economical as the need to set up separate
networks for telephone services, television broadcast, cable television, and
Internet access is eliminated. From the standpoint of firms/ businesses and
consumers, having only one information provider means lower communications
Moreover, the principle of universal access can be
made more achievable with convergence. At present the high costs of installing
landlines in sparsely populated rural areas is incentive to telecommunications
companies to install telephones in these areas. Installing landlines in rural
areas can become more attractive to the private sector if revenues from these
landlines are not limited to local and long distance telephone charges, but
also include cable TV and Internet charges. This development will ensure
affordable access to information even by those in rural areas and will spare
the government the trouble and cost of installing expensive landlines
Societal and
environmental forces
To understand the role of E-commerce in today’s
organizations, it becomes necessary to review the factors that create societal
and environmental forces.
Changing nature of workforce
Government deregulations
Shrinking government subsidies
Increased importance of ethical and legal issues
Increased social responsibility of organizations
Rapid political changes
Critical response
activities by Organizations
A response can be a reaction to a pressure already
in existence, or it can be an initiative that will defend an organization
against future pressures. It can also be an activity that exploits an
opportunity created by changing conditions.
Organizations’ major responses are divided into
five categories:strategic systems for competitive advantage,continuous
improvement efforts, business process reengineering (BPR), business alliances
and EC.These several responses can be interrelated and Ecommerce can also
facilitate the other categories. The four categories are described below.
Strategic Systems
Strategic systems provide organizations with
strategic advantages, thus enabling them to increase their market share, better
negotiate with their suppliers, or prevent competitors from entering into their
territory. There is a variety of EC supported strategic systems. An example is
FedEx’s overnight delivery system and the company’s ability to track the status
of every individual package anywhere in the system. Most of FedEx’s competitors
have already mimicked the system. So FedEx moved the system to the Internet.
However, the competitors quickly followed and now FedEx is introducing new
Continuous Improvement
In order to improve the company’s productivity and
quality, many companies continuously conduct innovative programs. The efforts
taken by companies for continuous improvement are
Improved productivity
Improved decision making
Managing Information
Change in management
Customer service Innovation and
For example, Dell Computer takes its orders
electronically and improved moves them via Enterprise Resources Planning
software (from SAP Corp.) into the just-in-time assembly operation. Intel is
taking its products’ consumption in 11 of its largest customers, using its
extranets, almost in real time, and determining production schedules and
deliveries accordingly.
Business Process
Reengineering (BPR)
Business Process Reengineering refers to a major
innovation in the organization’s structure and the way it conducts business.
Information technology and especially EC play a major role in BPR. Electronic
Commerce provides flexibility in manufacturing, permits faster delivery to
customers and supports rapid and paperless transactions among suppliers,
manufacturers and retailers.
The major areas in which E-Commerce supports BPR
Reducing cycle time and
time to market: Reducing
the business process time (cycle time) is extremely important for increasing
productivity and competitiveness.Similarly, reducing the time from the
inception of an idea until its implementation— time to market—is important
because those who can be first on the market with a product, or who can provide
customers with a service faster than competitors, enjoy a distinct competitive
Empowerment of employees
and collaborative work: Empowerment is related to the concept of self-directed teams. Management
delegates authority to teams who can execute the work faster and with fewer
delays. Information Technology allows the decentralization of decision making and authority but
simultaneously supports a centralized control. For example, the Internet and
the intranets enable empowered employees to access data, information and
knowledge they need for making quick decisions.
management: Employees
can access organizational know-how via their company’s intranet. Some knowledge
bases are open to the public for a fee over the Internet, generating income.
approach: Companies
are becoming increasingly customer oriented. This can be done in part by
changing manufacturing processes from mass production to mass customization. In
mass production, a company produces a large quantity of identical items. In
mass customization, items are produced in a large quantity but are customized
to fit the desires of each customer. Electronic commerce is an ideal
facilitator of mass customization.
Business alliances
Many companies realize that alliances with other
companies, even competitors can be beneficial. There are several types of
alliances, such as sharing resources, establishing permanent supplier-company
relationships and creating joint research efforts. One of the most interesting
types is the temporary joint venture, in which companies form a special
organization for a specific, limited-time mission.
E-Commerce Communities
What it is that will drive e-commerce in the
future? — in a word, it’s community.
We certainly have the technology to build great
business-to-consumer and business-to business ecommerce applications into our
business models. And, yes, attributes such as viable application design,
integration with business processes, and overall performance matter.
A successful community strategy must embrace the
idea of moving the one-onone communication that occurs offline into the virtual
world of e-commerce. Such a strategy currently requires multiple technical
approaches. However, we believe community solutions will soon become more
integrated and far-reaching.
The tools that form online communities include
discussion or forum software, chat functions, instant messaging, two-way
mailing lists, online collaboration tools, audio, video, and more. You may
choose to invest slowly at first and increase your community commitment over
Online conversation with business partners will
also give net positive results. A private discussion area or secured online
meetings can go a long way toward building stronger relationships between
companies. This will also serve to potentially drive new business opportunities
for both parties. Building community has to be at the heart of any successful
ecommerce strategy.
Is e-Commerce the Same as
While some use e-commerce and e-business
interchangeably, they are distinct concepts. In e-commerce, information and
communications technology (ICT) is used in inter-business or
inter-organizational transactions (transactions between and among firms/
organizations) and in business-to-consumer transactions (transactions between
firms/ organizations and individuals).
In e-business, on the other hand, ICT is used to
enhance one’s business. It includes any process that a business organization
(either a for-profit, governmental or non-profit entity) conducts over a
computer-mediated network. A more comprehensive definition of e-business is:
“The transformation of an organization’s processes to deliver additional
customer value through the application of technologies, philosophies and
computing paradigm of the new economy.”
Three primary processes are enhanced in e-business:
1. Production processes, which include procurement,
ordering and replenishment of stocks; processing of payments; electronic links
with suppliers; and production control processes, among others;
2. Customer-focused
processes, which
include promotional and marketing efforts, selling over the Internet,
processing of customers’ purchase orders and payments, and customer support,
among others; and
3. Internal management
processes, which
include employee services, training, internal information-sharing,
videoconferencing, and recruiting. Electronic applications enhance information
flow between production and sales forces to improve sales force productivity.
Workgroup communications and electronic publishing of internal business
information are likewise made more efficient. The Internet economy pertains to
all economic activities using electronic networks as a medium for commerce or
those activities involved in both building the networks linked to the Internet
and the purchase of application services such as the provision of enabling
hardware and software and network equipment for Web-based/online retail and
shopping malls (or “e-malls”).
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